Tangible heritage - Monuments

Church of the Transfiguration of the our Lord in Špania Dolina

500 m

Route length

1 hodina

Time requirement

Bez vstupného

Entrance fee

Activity information

The Church of the Transfiguration of our Lord is certainly the most striking monument of the "above-ground" Špania Dolina. Since it was allegedly built in 1254, many publications refer to it as the oldest building monument in this location, and even as the oldest church in the vicinity.

The church was built on the foundations of the original Romanesque building. He was ordained in 1254, as evidenced by the Latin inscription carved into the rock above the church entrance. The Church of the Transfiguration stands on a hill in a fortified area. Because of this, the church, together with the bastion and the rectory, provided shelter to the inhabitants in times of danger. In the interior of the church, paintings by Jozef Hanula and furnishings from the 17th and 18th centuries have been preserved, as well as the main altar in the Baroque style, which dates from the years 1720 to 1730.

The greatest rarity in the church is the baroque organ from 1751, which was assembled by master Martin Podkonický, one of the most important late baroque organists in Slovakia. This jewel among musical instruments is the only original organ preserved from the master Podkonický. The twelve-register organ was built by the Jesuits on the occasion of the visit of Emperor Francis I to the mining towns.

During the Reformation, the church belonged to the Evangelicals, later it was acquired again by the Catholics. This period is associated with the construction of a unique covered wooden staircase that leads to the church from the square. In order to decide whether the church will belong to the Evangelicals or the Catholics, a population census was taken in the village. Catholics "won" the census. As a sign of gratitude, each Catholic family made one of the 162 steps on this staircase.



Important information

LocationŠpania Dolina
Entrance fee Bez vstupného
Time requirement1 hodina
Open hours Štvrtok: 18:00 (omša), nedeľa: 11:00 (omša) / Show
RestrictionsMimo času konania omše je kostol zatvorený.
ParkingPlatené parkovisko na námestí, cca 150 m od Kostola Premenenia Pána
Coordinates48.8081887 19.1305513

Schody do kostola

Prekryté schodisko ku kostolu Premenenia pána tvorí 162 schodov.

GPS: 48.808401, 19.1319513



Vedľa kostola stojí fara, pôvodne renesančná budova z polovice 17.storočia. Tento samostatne stojaci trojpodlažný objekt postavili na svahu na obdĺžnikovom pôdoryse. Pod mladšou omietkou sa zachovala pôvodná renesančná grafitová výzdoba, čierna pasparta okolo polkruhového vstupu do suterénu a okolo kľúčovej strieľlne orientovanej na prístup ku kostolu. Strieľňa poukazuje na obranný charakter nielen tejto strategicky situovanej stavby, ale celého areálu, ktorý sa stal v čase vojenského, najmä tureckého nebezpečenstva, útočiskom pre obyvateľov z okolia.


GPS: 48.8085075, 19.1326535


Turecká bašta

Tento pôvodne fortifikačný trojpodlažný objekt postavili podľa zachovaného datovania v roku 1644, neskôr ho rozšírili a upravili na bývanie. Má paťuholníkový pôdorys a o jej pôvodnom charaktere svedčia vyspelé typy kľúčových strieľní kompletne zachované na treťom podlaží objektu. V ostatných podlažiach sú zamurované.


GPS: 48.8088685, 19.132347



Murovaná kaplnka s obdĺžnikovým pôdorysom je ukončená polkruhovým uzáverom a spolu s murovanou zvonicou postavenou na štvorcovom pôdoryse, na prízemí na všetky strany otvorenou, polkruhovo ukončenou arkádou, dotvára celý areál obohnaný kamenným múrom so šindľovou strieškou.

GPS: 48.8085249, 19.1319205

Discover on the map

1 Schody do kostola

2 Fara

3 Turecká bašta

4 Kaplnka

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